灾难: suffering; calamity; disaste ...将: ask; appeal for的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...预兆: omen; presage; sign; harbing ...不祥之兆: portent; an ill omen灾祸将临的预兆, 不祥之兆: writing on the wall灾祸将临的预兆: handwriting on the wall不祥之兆: bad omen; evil [ill] sign; portent of bad things to come; the prodigy is inauspicious不祥之兆的: evil foreboding但愿无不祥之兆: absitomen灾难的预兆: a finger on the wall将临的危险: the sword of damocles不祥之鸟: a bird of ill omen ie one thought to bring bad luck不祥之日: dies infaustus不祥的预感: ominous presentiment风雨的预兆: weatherbreeder胜利的预兆: an omen of victory失败的预兆: a prognostic of failure凶事的预兆: the writing on the wall战争的预兆: journal of val'zareq: portends of war预兆不祥的情况: an inauspicious occasion event meeting etc暴风雨的预兆: premonition of storm不吉利的预兆: knell故意不看将临的危险: bury one's head in the sand将临的危险, 达摩克利斯之剑: sword of damocles